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来源:   作者:王熙  日期:2019年10月10日  点击数:



讲座题目:Experience, Information and CEO outside Directorship

讲座内容:More than 45% of the CEOs of the S&P 500 firms sit on outside boards. It is not clearwhat benefits this practice brings to the executiveshome firms, to whom the opportunity cost of the CEOstime is very high. This paper fill the gap in the literature in examining the benefits of outside directorship to the home firms. We find that both the CEO learning experience channel and the information channel serve as the mechanism through which CEO outside directorship benefits sending firms. Multiple CEO outside directorship erodes such benefits, while CEO ownership improves the benefits of CEOs outside directorships.

Our results are robust to geography-based IV approach and a matched sample approach. We provide evidence that recent recommendation of governance advise firmsrecommendation of limiting the CEO outside directorship improve firm performances.

主讲人简介:朱俏俏(QIAOQIAO ZHU),密歇根大学经济学博士,现任澳大利亚国立大学工商经济学院精算学与应用统计学专业助理教授,2015年加州大学欧文分校访问助理教授。研究的方向:金融经济学,投资,公司金融。研究论文发表在The China QuarterlyEconomic SystemsAustralian Journal of ManagementEmerging Markets Finance and TradeThe Journal of Empirical Finance等期刊。
